Schools in ancient Iraq
ave you ever wondered what school life was like for a young child in Mesopotamia? Well, this tablet includes a mesopotamia tale that recounts two days in the life of a schoolboy—days filled with tedious work and harsh punishment! “Schoolboy, A30217: clay, Iraq, Nippur, Old Babylonian period (2004–1595 BC)
where did you go from earliest days?” “I went to school.” “What did you do in school?”
“I read my tablet, ate my lunch, prepared my tablet, wrote it, finished it…
Upon the school’s dismissal,
I went home, entered the house, there was my father sitting.
” He who was in charge of drawing said,
“Why when I was not here did you stand up?” (and) caned me. He who was in charge of the gate said, “Why when I was not here, did you go out?” (and) caned me. He who was in charge of the Sumerian said: “You spoke Akkadian!” (and) caned me.

Schools in ancient Iraq the schools in Babylonia and Assyria made the study of Sumerian their basic discipline. They therefore compiled what may be described as bilingual syllabaries or dictionaries in which the Sumerian words or phrases were translated into their own language Accadian. In addition they also drew up interlinears of the Sumerian literary compositions in which each Sumerian line is followed by its Accadian translation
Our Sources :
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