
Iraq, officially known as the Republic of Iraq, is a nation situated in West Asia within the geopolitical region commonly referred to as the Middle East. With a population exceeding 46 million, it ranks as the 31st most populous country globally. Iraq operates as a federal parliamentary republic, comprising 19 governorates.


On iraq history

The Iraq History website is the first of its kind in the Arab world, presenting the history of Iraq in both Arabic and English. Through 60 knowledge portals, it offers the most extensive published archive in history, spanning from the Stone Ages (100,000 BC) to the present. Covering all periods of Mesopotamian occupation and the various civilizations of Iraq, this comprehensive encyclopedia narrates the epic story of human civilization.

iraq history

Main menus

Through these lists, you can browse all the topics published on our site

chronology of old Iraq history

In this list is a chronology of all the ancient iraq history

New iraq history

Our sources relied in writing the modern history of Iraq on books, newspapers and what was published in Iraqi universities of research and foreign universities

Iraqi Antiquities

In this list, Iraqi antiquities displayed in museums around the world, each piece displayed has its museum number and current location, and this list represents part of the archive of Iraqi antiquities in the museums of the world that we keep

Achievements of Iraq's civilizations

In this list we explain to you the achievements of Iraqi civilizations

Archaeological discoveries

Our sources relied on archaeological discoveries on the books of travelers and archaeological discoveries announced by Iraqi and foreign missions over a period of 150 years.

Tourist attraction

The most famous tourist attractions in the Republic of Iraq

Time Travel

A journey through time is an introductory trip to the cities of Iraq, we highlight the definition of Iraqi cities

New Iraq history Videos

An introductory tour through videos of the new iraq history

Mesopotamian rulers throughout the ages

Chronology of the main rulers and ruling families in Mesopotamia throughout the ages

Modern designs IraqI civilizations

One hundred designs for Iraq's civilizations from different artists and countries

your name by cuneiform

You can request your name in the cuneiform by clicking on the image


The Iraq History website has a printing press specialized in promoting the civilizations of Iraq and through various products through which you can shop and book through the page number attached to the site

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