Dr.Ahmed Kamel

Dr.Ahmed Kamel scientific expert  of iraq history website

Born in Baghdad in 1953 / Graduated from the University of Baghdad – College of Arts – Department of Archeology in 1976/He obtained a master’s degree in cuneiform studies from the same department in 1985/ He also obtained a doctorate from the same department in 1996, specializing in cuneiform studies – the grammar of the Akkadian language.

Member of the Honorary Council of the International Association for Assyriology IAA / Leiden since 2016.

He was appointed to the State Board of Antiquities and Heritage in 1978 until his retirement at the end of 2017 / He held several positions, the most important of which is director of the Iraqi Museum and all provincial museum / He participated in 12 Iraqi excavation missions between 1978 and 2003.

Lecturer for undergraduate and postgraduate students in 5 Iraqi universities / He supervised several master’s theses and doctoral dissertations in the field of cuneiforms and the ancient civilization of Iraq/ Evaluator of 14 master’s and doctoral theses by Iraqi and foreign students / He has 16 research papers on the subject of specialization published in Iraqi and foreign journals

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