GUTIAN PERIOD (2210-2116 В.С.)
The Guti (2210-2116 B.C.) were mountain nomads who descended to the plains of Mesopotamia (ca. 2210 B.C.) from the slopes of the Zagros and from the borders of Luris- tan. They took the Kirkuk area (Arrapha) as their centre and a stepping-stone from which they set out to conquer Sumer and Akkad. Before their immigration to the fertile land of Iraq the Guti possessed no advanced culture; as a result of their settlement in the country they came to adopt Sumero-Akkadian culture and the Akkadian language in which they wrote the few surviving inscriptions which they left us. The Sumerian King List gives the Guti twenty-one kings with total duration of 91 years and 40 days

Utu-Khegal, Prince of the Sumerian city of Uruk, praying for victory against the Gutian king Tirigan.