Cuneiform tablets about daily life

Clay tablet administrative tablet bureaucratic compilation of the Ur III dynasty register of fields and their yields over one year the largest cuneiform tablet known discovered in mesopotamia Iraq and now at the British museum2082…

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Cuneiform tablets about Medicine & Science

Babylonian astronomical tablet At right this diagram shows how the distance traveled by Jupiter after 60 days 10º45 is calculated as the area of the trapezoid The Babylonians knew they could then divide this trapezoid…

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Cuneiform tablets about Religion and mythology

Quadrangular fired clay prism; inscription refers to votive gift to Adad the weather god; the wavy lines are thunder bolts to which libations were poured; inscribed on three sides. Inscription of the donor, Ninurta-resushu.Cultures/KassiteProduction date13thC…

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