The participation of the group and founder of the Iraq History website in an introductory trip to the city of Ur the invitation of the Eitana cultural team

The participation of the group and founder of the Iraq History website in an introductory trip to the city of Ur the invitation of the Eitana cultural team
The participation of a group and founders of the Iraq History website in an introductory trip to the city of Mosul
The participation of the founder and group of the history of Iraq in the symposium Egypt with the sheikhs of Al-Azhar Mosque Al-Sharif broadcast the symposium live on Khairzad
The participation of the founder of the Iraq History Group and website in the symposium on protecting Iraqi antiquities is a national duty in the holy city of Kadhimiya at the invitation of the Giving and Building Foundation for Social Development
An introductory trip in which the founders of the Iraq History Group participated in the city of Hatra
The participation of the founder of the Iraq History Group and site in the trip to the city of Samarra accompanied by a team of heritage preservation
The founder of the Iraq History website received a group of bishops of Christ from different countries of the world at the Iraq Museum at the request of the churches of Baghdad in order to introduce the history of Iraq
The participation of the founder of the Iraq History Group and website in the first virtual Arab forum at the invitation of the Director of the National Institute of Tunisian Heritage, Mr. Lamia Al-Farsi, entitled International Museum Day, in the presence of museum and heritage directors from various Arab countries
The participation of the founder of the iraq history group and website in the conference of the Arab Organization of Museums at the Bardo Museum in the Tunisian capital at the invitation of the Secretary-General of the Arab Organization for Museums and the Director of Tunisian Heritage
The participation of the founder of the Iraq History Group and website to introduce the history of Iraq with the Aitana cultural team on a trip to the city of Babylon accompanied by the Turkish delegation
The visit of the founder of the Iraq History Group and Website to the Assyrian site of Khans in northern Iraq at the invitation of the Eitana cultural team
The visit of the founder of the Iraq History Group and website to the Lalish Temple at the invitation of the Eitana cultural team, the aim of which is to spread the spirit of love and rapprochement among Iraqis
The participation of the founder of the Iraq History Group and website in the conference of the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization, one of the organizations of the League of Arab States, after which the National Committee for Iraqi Museums was established under the chairmanship of Dr. Abbas Qandil and a certificate of thanks and appreciation was obtained
An introductory trip in which the founders of the Iraq History Group participated in the city of Hatra