The visit of the founder of the Iraq History Group and website to the Lalish Temple at the invitation of the Eitana cultural team, the aim of which is to spread the spirit of love and rapprochement among Iraqis

The visit of the founder of the Iraq History Group and website to the Lalish Temple at the invitation of the Eitana cultural team, the aim of which is to spread the spirit of love and rapprochement among Iraqis
The participation of the founder of the Iraq History Group and website in the conference of the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization, one of the organizations of the League of Arab States, after which the National Committee for Iraqi Museums was established under the chairmanship of Dr. Abbas Qandil and a certificate of thanks and appreciation was obtained
An introductory trip in which the founders of the Iraq History Group participated in the city of Hatra
A certificate of thanks and appreciation from the Arab Organization of Museums, the official representative of the International Council of Museums in the Arab region, to the founder of the Iraq History Group and website for accepting the organization’s invitation and attending the Tunis Conference to introduce the history of Iraq
The National Institute of Tunisian Heritage, the founder of the collection and website of the history of Iraq, presented a certificate of thanks and appreciation for accepting the invitation of the Arab Organization of Museums to attend its conference held at the Tunisian Bardo Museum
The gift of the Al-Kafeel Museum for the Abbasid Holy Shrine Introductory gifts for the Museum of Abu Al-Fadl Al-Abbas, peace be upon him, number 14 were distributed to the countries present at the Tunis Conference in 2016 by the founder of the Iraq History Group and website
The gift of the Iraqi artist and painter Saleh Reda to the founder of the Iraq History Group and website, a painting he painted and placed in the building of the Iraqi Ministry of Culture in appreciation of his efforts in preserving and introducing the history of Iraq in the presence of the Iraqi Minister of Culture Hassan Nazim
The founder of the History of Iraq website contributed to the establishment of the National Committee ICOM Iraq in 2015 and during the Tunis Conference of the Arab Organization for Museums and the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization, one of the organizations of the League of Arab States, and one of the most important objectives of the committee is to introduce the Iraqi cultural heritage
The founder of the Iraq History website founded the Iraqi Museum page in 2013 to publish Iraqi antiquities in both languages and introduce the history of Iraq through it and to be competitive with the pages of international museums The founder of the site was interested in developing it for ten years to become one of the largest museum pages in the Middle East and the world, in addition to establishing the Instagram page and the participation of the employees of the Iraqi Ministry of Culture, the General Authority for Antiquities and Heritage and specialists in the history of Iraq in its management and publication of publications in it
The Iraq History website contributed to the establishment of a page concerned with Baghdadi heritage, where the Baghdad Heritage page was established to be managed by researchers on Baghdadi heritage
The iraq history website it is kept in the archives of Iraqi antiquities in the museums of the world, where 14 international museums containing Iraqi antiquities have been archived.
Contributing to the establishment of the Rescue of Iraqi Civilization group in 2015
The founder of the site began searching for the archive of lost Iraqi antiquities after the 2003 war in various websites Work has continued since 2016 and the complete file was found in the database of one of the American sites, where the file was completely withdrawn for a period of 45 days of archiving and was kept and handed over to the General Authority of Iraqi Antiquities and Heritage in 2020
لكن لا بد أن أوضح لك أن كل هذه الأفكار المغلوطة حول استنكار النشوة وتمجيد الألم نشأت بالفعل، وسأعرض لك التفاصيل لتكتشف حقيقة وأساس تلك السعادة البشرية، فلا أحد يرفض أو يكره أو يتجنب الشعور بالسعادة، ولكن بفضل هؤلاء الأشخاص الذين لا يدركون بأن السعادة لا بد أن نستشعرها بصورة أكثر عقلانية ومنطقية فيعرضهم هذا لمواجهة الظروف الأليمة، وأكرر بأنه لا يوجد من يرغب في الحب ونيل المنال ويتلذذ بالآلام
Photographer and journalist at the International Media Agency, graduate of fine arts, audiovisual department, photography, production and directing, supervisor in the pages of the Iraq History Collection since 2020
Who we are…..
We are a group of Iraqi founders, researchers, and specialists in Iraqi history
Logo designer of the Iraq History website and representative of the Iraq History website
The Babylon Gate of the Gods page has worked since 2015 to introduce the history and civilizations of Iraq and has had a great impact The founders of the Iraq History Group chose to be…
Advertise with usThe Iraq History website is considered the Most important website in the Republic of Iraq, and as viewed By site visitors and cultural institutions, it fully preserves the Mesopotamian heritage.The site is the…