Samarra is a city in Iraq. It stands on the east bank of the Tigris in the Saladin Governorate, 125 kilometers (78 mi) north of Baghdad. The modern city of Samarra was founded in 836 by the Abbasid caliph al-Mu’tasimThe archeological site of Samarra still retains much of the historic city’s original plan, architecture and artistic relics. In 2007, UNESCO designated it a World Heritage Site

Samarra (Iraq) Imam al-Hadi and Imam al-‘Askari Shrine, view of minaret and domes with wooden scaffolding

Photograph of the Minaret in the Malwinja Tower in the Grand Mosque, Samarra, Iraq

the Mosque of Abu Dulaf, Samarra, Iraq

Photograph of the Pier in Samarra, Iraq

Photograph of south-east side of The Great Mosque, Samarra, Iraq

Photograph of south-east side of The Great Mosque, Samarra, Iraq

Photograph of a view of the Santuary, at the Mosque of Abu Dulaf, Samarra, Iraq.

samraa qubbat slebiya

Photograph of the Babal’Ámma (remains of the Khalif’s Palace), Samarra, Iraq,
For more about ancient Samarra, click on the link