Advertisement on the Iraq History website

Advertise with us
The Iraq History website is considered the Most important website in the Republic of Iraq, and as viewed By site visitors and cultural institutions, it fully preserves the Mesopotamian heritage.
The site is the founder of dozens of pages and cultural groups in Iraq, the most important of which are The Baghdad Heritage page, the Iraqi Museum page and group, the World History page and group, and The Iraq history group.
If you want to put your brand in front of our audience with a strong historical connection, you’ve come to The right place!

Classification according to advertising objective
Regarding the goal for which the advertisement is presented, there is more than one type of Advertisement, but you can learn the meaning of each type by following the following:

Institutional advertisement: Institutional advertisement is made with the aim of indicating the name of an Organization, institution or company, where the achievements it has achieved within society during the Period of its establishment are examined and the advertisement is placed appropriately to promote it.
Initial advertisement: The purpose of this type of advertisement is to promote a new idea or products in The Iraqi markets
Optional advertising: An advertisement used to promote a product in the market, or even the name of a Private company. For example, advertisements for travel and tourism companies or advertisements for Hotels, where the site works to plan the advertisement appropriately with the selection

Ad formats
Bronze Banner Ads: It is a non-customized ad format that appears at the top or bottom of the site and on The home page only. It consists of only one ad for a full month. The ad includes a guarantee that another Product or company will not be advertised on this page during the period mentioned in the contract Between the two parties.

Silver interstitial ads: full-page ads appear on the home page and the usual transitions between the Pages of the site. These ads allow the use of video content and the ad is on three optional pages only.

Advertisements integrated with golden content: These ads appear embedded with the content of Publications, and allow the use of video content. The advertisement includes the name of the company or Institution in publications of the Iraq History website on social media sites as well, and through 5 pages And four groups linked to the Iraq History website in addition to the Iraq History channel. In the Telegram Application.

Book your ad send us an email to the following address
We will reply to you soon

Pages and groups linked to the Iraq History website

Note: You can go to the pages mentioned below by clicking on the page name

Iraq history page and group

History of the world page and group

Iraq Museum group

Visit Iraq page

Baghdad Heritage Page

Advertising policies
The Iraq History website reserves the right to reject advertising campaigns. We generally do not accept Ads in the following categories: Ads that are illegal or violate laws in the Republic of Iraq and the ad must Be family-friendly.
It does not contain alcohol, tobacco or drug products.
Also, on religious or political topics

Website Support

The programs of the Iraq History site are represented in the goals that the site seeks to reach to promote the civilizations of Iraq and introduce the history of Iraq and to all age groups with the various programs specified by the founders of the site, which are as follows

The first program:

Contribute with us in promoting the civilizations of Iraq and introducing the history of Iraq in children’s schools through gifts and toys whose products represent the civilizations of Iraq The program targets one hundred schools

The second program :

Contribute with us in creating an application on Android phones and Apple Store for the Iraq History website

Third Program :

Contribute with us in the program of creating the history of Iraq channel on the Nilesat satellite

Fourth Program :

Contribute with us in the establishment of the Museum of the Illustrated of iraq history

Fifth Program :

Contribute with us in preserving the history of Iraq through one hundred thousand introductory paper publications explaining the importance of preserving Iraqi archaeological cities

Support from iraq – zain cash the number 07810734456

or participate in supporting the site, contact us on the following e-mail

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